Reserving a Party Bus or Limo in San Francisco, Napa Valley or Sonoma


In order to make a reservation or to obtain a detailed quote (no obilgation), please fill out the following form and feel free to include any additional details in the "Additional Notes" field at the bottom of the form.  We will contact you as soon as possible with a quote and look forward to speaking with you!

Reservation Details

Service Requested:
Vehicle Requested:
Number of passengers: (e.g. "12" or "10-15")
Date of Service: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Pick-Up Time:
Estimated Duration:
Pick-Up Location:
Drop-Off Location:
Additional Notes: (optional)

Your Details

Your Name:
Street Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number (optional):
Email Address:
Company Name: (optional)
Agent Name: (optional)

Confirm and Submit Form

Please check this box to confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions (view in new browser):   

For your privacy, the information you provide is completely confidential and will not be sold for any purpose or distributed outside of Million Services and its affiliated companies beyond what is needed to process your reservation or required by law.

Testimonials from Yelp

I recently looked into some car service in the San Francisco area for a traveling executive. Being on the east coast, there is limited action that can be done to ensure that a car service across the country will be reliable the day of. I based my decision on online reviews of this limo service, and am glad I did. Dispatcher was extremely friendly and accomodating. Drivers were very nice and on time. The pricing is also very competitive for the great service that they offer. This will absolutely be the go-to limo service when in the area.

Andrea N.
Florham Park, NJ

Have a quick question for us? Send us a message with the following form!